Acknowledging TIA

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The translational capabilities available to Australian researchers through TIA-supported facilities are subsidised by NCRIS as part of a national strategy to make research infrastructure more accessible and affordable, thus accelerating translation of research findings to impact. The acknowledgement of this support builds an evidence base that demonstrates that investments in equipment and people have led to important outcomes, which in turn builds the case for future investments.

It is therefore important to the future of NCRIS that we are able to ascertain the usage of facilities in terms of research outcomes. For this reason it is vital that publications or press releases acknowledge the support of TIA and the NCRIS program where appropriate.


Please use the acknowledgement statement below in all academic publications.

“The author/s acknowledge the facilities, and the scientific and technical assistance of [insert name of Facility], [insert name of university/institute]. [Insert name of Facility] is supported by Therapeutic Innovation Australia (TIA). TIA is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) program.”

Facilities are requested to submit to TIA the DOIs of publications regarding projects that have accessed their capabilities.

Presentations and posters

Please include TIA logo and the acknowledgement statement below in the Acknowledgements slide of your presentations. The author/s acknowledge the facilities, and the scientific and technical assistance of the TIA Consortium at the [insert name of Facility], [insert name of university/institute].

For TIA-supported facilities

Please acknowledge TIA and NCRIS on all printed and on-line material associated with funded activity, such as:
• annual reports
• newsletters
• brochures
• multimedia
• social media
• conference programme
• papers
• presentations
• posters
• media releases
• speeches
• interviews