Research translation, accelerated

TIA invests in research infrastructure to enable seamless access to expertise and services vital to translate research discoveries into human health impacts. We develop strategic partnerships that are informed by a strong focus on future needs, while working to build a quality workforce – all in support of a vibrant and productive Australian Research and Development ecosystem.

The TIA consortium is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy

Find expertise

TIA enables open and subsidised access to a broad range of expertise across various therapeutic types (see left). Each area is supported by a dedicated broker/facilitator with relevant know-how and experience in areas such as research, clinical trials, translation and manufacturing. These facilitators ensure a smooth process of directing projects to the correct facility, advising and mentoring researchers, and supporting collaboration within and between capabilities.

To browse our accessible capabilities, click the link below.

TIA at a glance


invested in facilities since 2018


accessible facilities in universities hospitals and research institutes


therapeutic development projects in progress


cleanrooms for manufacturing


expert scientists and
technicians supported


access vouchers awarded totalling $6.1M

Biologics icon small
Biologics and Vaccines

Discovery and devlopment of advanced biotherapeutics

The National Biologics Facility (NBF) supports therapeutic discovery, from screening of antibody libraries and production of  recombinant proteins as small-molecule drug targets, through to novel, engineered biologics, vaccine antigens and diagnostic reagents, from discovery through to the scale-up and manufacturing of clinically-relevant material.


  • National Biologics Facility, UQ
  • CSIRO Biomanufacturing
  • Protein Expression Facility, UQ*
  • Recombinant Protein Facility, UNSW*
  • Biologics Innovation Facility, UTS*

* Accessible via TIA Voucher

Small Molecule Therapeutics

Integrated drug discovery and development

Small Molecule Therapeutics is a long-established pipeline of complementary capabilities supporting translation of projects from hit identification to preclinical efficacy testing. We offer access to compound libraries, high-throughput screening technologies and specialist development and preclinical expertise.


  • Compounds Australia, Griffith
  • Australian Translational Medicinal Chemistry Facility, Monash
  • Centre for Drug Candidate Optimisation., Mnash
  • Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development, UQ
  • Qld Emory Drug Discovery Inititiative, UniQuest
  • National Drug Discovery Centre, WEHI 

Screening facilities accessible via voucher:

  • Monash Fragment Platform*
  • GU Discovery Biology*
  • GRIDD Mass Spectrometry*
  • CO-ADD*
  • Childrens Cancer Institute of Australia*
  • ANU Centre for Therapeutic Discovery*
  • Victor Chang Innovation Centre*
  • MCRI Stem Cell & Disease Modelling Centre *
Cell & Gene therapies

Development and testing of advanced therapeutic medicinal products

TIA brings together key national cell and gene therapy development and manufacturing facilities to enable development of cutting-edge advanced therapies. Our consortium has broad and deep expertise to support your project regardless of your project’s stage of development.


  • Centre of Excellence in Cellular Immunotherapy, PeterMac* 
  • Cell & Tissue Therapies WA, RPH
  • Q-Gen Cell Therapies, QIMR Berghofer
  • Cell and Molecular Therapies, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
  • Sydney Cell & Gene Therapies, Westmead Precint
  • Vector & Genome Engineering Facility, CMRI*

* Accessible via TIA vouchers

RNA Products

Support for cutting edge therapeutics

Our RNA Products Capability enables end-to-end mRNA vaccine and therapeutics development within Australia, providing a vibrant and productive pipeline built by onshore researchers – and complementing emerging commercial RNA service providers. We enable access to extensive experience in the design and production of high quality mRNA and synthetic RNA (e.g. siRNA, aptamers and guide RNA) with modified nucleotides, 5-cap and lipid nanoparticles (LNP) formulation for in vitro and in vivo studies.


  • BASE RNA Facility, UQ
  • mRNA CORE, Monash
  • RNA Institute, UNSW
  • Australian Centre for RNA Therapeutics in Cancer, UWA